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Kamis, 27 September 2012

Modified Header Blogger

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Modified Header Blogger

Modifikasi Blogger Template 2, Free Blogger templates,Btemplates,Free Templates for blogger, Blogger free templates, Free Blogger templates, Free Templates Blogger

Blogger Beginners # 5 - Header is an important element in blogger. To replace it requires some important steps and repeat. But before going any further, you should first prepare: Adobe Photoshop, Picasa Web Albums and browser Mozilla Firefox. Because that's the tool that we will use to modify the header ...

Before we work in the header, we should first recognize the link between post element with a view ...

How to start changing the header

  Header at number one. As the bath, often wet head first. Header is often seen first by the search engines. Now, let's try changing the header with header motocross toy store. Previously prepared replacement header with size 899 x 200px. Then save the images to Picasa web album.

blogger header, modifikasi header, header blogger, modifikasi blogger
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How to take a picture link ...

After the upload images to picasa complete, start by changing the header: 1. Point your mouse right on the header. 2. Right-click the. Select the View background image. From there, you'll get the picture link like this: http://lh5.ggpht.com/_K1GqW6yVGRA/S050wHTKXCI/AAAAAAAAEEE/T-sK9RuTN7o/Header.jpg. 3. The following figure shows the location of the image link ...

blogger,header, header blogger, link to blogger header
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How to capture link as above apply generally. In the process template modifications, removal efforts will link this image we often do. Next, we will go to Design> Edit HTML. After TabEdit HTML opens, look for the link the image with the command Ctrl + F to bring up the search box below the post (near the windows logo). Then enter the picture link earlier. It will appear like the picture below ...

blogger template, cara mengedit blogger, cara mengedit template blogger
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How to use image links picasa ...
Links are residing there. From the link that the image will appear on your blog. Now please replace the link with a new header link. This process can only be run if you have successfully signed in on picasa, and there is already a header image that you upload there. To take a picture from picasa link is still the same as the above, except that you must click on the thumbnail image to bring you the actual image size. After that make right click on the image and copy image location are like the picture below ...

Once you get the picture link, please paste the location (5). As a result, the image link is gone. This means the old image is replaced with a new one. Just click view blog, then look like this ...

Cara mengkoreksi header

How to change the color of the blog title ... From the picture above, there is a little problem: Title crashed into the picture, both in terms of color (white alike, as well as changing the color of the lokasi.Untuk title, you can do with the help of the DOM. Source of Selection. trick, blog title> right Click> View Source code. Automated new window will appear ...

Dom source selection, cara memanfaatkan mozilla
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Dom Source Selection Code, one of the perks browser Mozilla Firefox. Can be used to view the structure of a website or a blog. From the structure it appears that the title "Modified Blogger Template" located in the blue region ....

cara mengubah warna judul

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How to use the Color Picker ...

Data from the DOM we use to search the related blogger template header. One of them reads art-logo-name. Data are new functions after we reopen EDIT HTML contained in the DESIGN tab. Once open, press Ctrl + F to search. Once the box is open Find, Insert art-logo-name> Press Enter. Then you will be taken to h1.art-Logo-name. That are covered are indicated by color code color: # FFFFFF. This is called the color code. If you possessed the program Photoshop, color codes can be searched by using the color picker.

kode warna web

After finding a color you like, change the color code consisting of 6 digits. I happen to like the color black, so the code is # 000000. When finished it would happen like this ...

cara mengatur letak header

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How to change the Header placeText ...

Problems arise again. This time about the position titles that hit the car image (background image). There are two options to fix: First, the title was shortened; Secondly, the title slide. To shorten the title, you can simply go back to the page and then clicking on the header element. There is available to shorten the title box. Meanwhile, to shift the position of the title, takes a few steps more, ...

cara mengubah letak text header
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The trick is similar to changing the text color of title, but this time you are looking for is Art-logo. In art logo terdapar size left boundary is marked by the left: 207px. This means that the left boundary of the title with 207 pixels along the edge of the header. This figure would I change it to 50px, then it becomes like the following ...

cara mengubah text logo
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Thus it was over some of the issues surrounding the replacement headers. How to apply the above general and can be used to incorporate various types of fambar including moving images. The principle is still the same.
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